Sunday 31 August 2014

Autumn/Winter 2014-15 Wish List


Gucci Pre-Fall Campaign Autumn 2014
I've seen a couple of things I fancy for this Autumn/Winter so far in the shops, online and in magazines.  I've listed a few below.
1. Waterproof coat
I need a waterproof coat to wear to work for the next few months before the big padded waterproof from last winter comes back out.  I've seen a navy one in M&S from their Stormwear range.  This would be great shape and length if I wore trousers to work but I don't so it would only be useful on my days off when I'm in my jeans... I wish normal trousers suited my body shape and I could wear them with stylish leather loafers.  My flipping feet are a nightmare! I want to be comfortable and stylish and the same time but they won't stay on my stupid feet, my ankles slip right out! So I either must wear a closed shoe like a brogue or ankle boot or shoes with a strap across to secure my foot.  Exasperating!  Anyway, I'll be on the look out for a waterproof coat that suits the shapes of skirts and dresses I wear.
2. Knitwear
I would like some thin(ish) knits to wear over long-sleeved t-shirts or blouses for on my days off work or on the way to and from work if it's a bit chilly.  Knitwear is tricky for me (like trousers and shoes, another to add to the list) because I have a big bust but a narrow waist.  If I clad my bust in knitwear it looks pretty awful to be honest.  I get cold though! Also knits hide my waist which is pretty much the only slim part of me and I would quite like to not cover that up thank you very much!  So, the hunt begins for flattering knitwear.  I love the look of a cute sixties mini-skirt with a blouse and knitwear with tights and a satchel every A/W season. 
3. Striped long sleeved t-shirts
I love a Breton striped top! I want ones to go with my blue and black skinny jeans for this winter so a decent thickness in fabric with ideally a full length sleeve which I can push up if a bit warm.  I would like to buy a good quality one to last me and as so many brands do stripes, I think I'll have plenty to choose from.
4. Ankle boots for daytime
I've got black and tan knee high boots which I won't bother replacing this year.  My black ankle boots are two years old now and have a little nick in the toe so maybe I will replace these but really I fancy a brown, tan or charcoal leather pair.  They would be for pretty much everyday wear and would need to be practical so I guess a flat pair or low block heel.  I invest in my footwear so I would be looking for leather and good quality.
5. Ankle boots black, heeled
For socialising in the evening, during the A/W season, I prefer to wear heeled ankle boots to keep my feet secure and warm too.  I think I have more smart/casual occasions than dressy ones, so these are more practical for me than a really glam pair of heels.  I have a suede, wedged pair and fancy a cool matte leather pair now maybe with a cool heel or buckle detailing.
6. Mac make-up
I have no Mac make-up and have never tried any of their products.  This season I would like to add a few to my make-up bag and see what their MUA recommend to compliment my features and skin-tone.
7. Urban Decay make-up
I see the beauty vloggers raving about the Naked eye shadow palettes by Urban Decay and the eye primer too.  I might begin with the basics palette and also the bronzer palette as my Fake Bake bronzer has hit pan now.
8. Warm shearling jacket
I really want a black shearling jacket this year! I want it to through on over skinny jeans for shopping or drinks with a blouse, striped tee or a piece of knitwear with ankle boots.  I would love this look.  I like black coats with collars to contrast with my blonde hair. It toughens up my plain Jane look.
9. Sheepskin lined gloves
I had the best pair of mittens that I bought in a Parisian market on a trip with my fashion course back in first year uni.  They fitted my small hands perfectly.  I find gloves too big and usually wear children's gloves.  They were my pride and joy.  They were the only gloves that had ever kept my hands warm.  They were black suede on the outside and fur lined.  I don't know what type of fur but I suspect it was real fur as they actually did the job of completely keeping out the cold.  I was so upset when I lost them and have not been able to replace them with anything remotely similar.  This year I would like to get some shearling gloves if I can find a well fitting pair.
10. Wellington boots
Ideally I would like a short pair that fit to just above my ankle (like Chelsea boots) rather than a tall pair but I will begin the search.  I just want a black pair to wear with my work clothes (I wear black tights everyday with either a dress or a black skirt) that from a glance just look like black boots.  I could also tuck my skinnies inside when wearing them on rainy days off shopping, running errands and dog walking.

The above are pretty sensible and practical choices.  This is because I buy less frequently now and try to only buy investment pieces that I really need.  I am de-cluttering still and buying endless fashion fads does not fit with that at all.  I'm sure I'll treat myself to some of the above and also one or two things not on the list too!
Kitty x

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