Sunday 17 August 2014

My beauty shopping list

This summer, I discovered beauty bloggers and more importantly, beauty vloggers. This is the term created for when bloggers video their content instead of (or aswell as) typing up a post on their blog. I have not tried this myself yet (my life is no way as interesting as theirs) but I am loving watching the videos on YouTube. The first vlog I found was Essie Button.

I have mentioned Estee in a previous post, she goes by the name Essie Button on social media and her vlogs have kept me entertained this summer. I am learning a lot about make-up and beauty products and picking up some useful tips and tricks. Estee also has a second vlog channel which is more lifestyle, and documents her adventures with her boyfriend Aslan and greyhound Reggie. Their vlogs are cute and funny and have me gripped. Carboot sales, dog walks and currently a road trip to and around Scandanavia. I am not selling it am I but they are hilarious, trust me! 

As I have mentioned, this year I am saving my money up and it's going well but is so boring. No holiday for me this year and much less spending. Alongside hitting the gym, I've been watching these beauty bloggers on YouTube this summer. Exciting times! Estee and co have kept me entertained.

From watching Essie Button, I then discovered the below beauty bloggers:
Amelia Liana -

Zoella -

Tanya Burr -

Fleur Deforce -

I have always gone for a natural skin look, I like a dewy glow rather than a matte face. I prefer a natural, sunkissed shade spring to summer. For eye make-up, I usually do a sixties heavy black eyeliner and even used to do a white waterline but now I have toned it down. I have never known what to do with make-up and have never been that interested. I think a make-up lesson will be useful for me so I may book into Mac and get some tips on what will suit me. Since I've been watching the beauty vlogs, I have been dying for my make-up to run out! I can't wait to purchase some of the items the beauty bloggers have reviewed and raved about.

Here are a few beauty and make-up products on my shopping list:

Simple Light Moisturiser

Soap & Glory Blot Powder

Soap & Glory Peachy Glow

Soap & Glory Archery Pencil

An Eyebrow Gel

Real Techniques Powder Brush

Maybelline Concealer

Barry M Clear Nail Varnish

A Tanya Burr Lipgloss

I can't wait to go and pick all this out this week! I also am keen to finally try some Mac products soon. I think I will need to go have tutorial though because I am clueless as to what will suit me and be useful in my make-up bag. I fancy trying a vampy look just for fun. Dark lips and a contoured face. I would look so different. Hide the blonde in a big bun and embrace the dark side.

Kitty x

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