Wednesday 14 November 2012

I'm back

I find technology frustrating when it's slow, unresponsive & not straightforward. I am smart, follow instructions, think logically and have common sense. When none of these things ensure the outcome I want I feel frustrated. I have an ancient laptop & a touchscreen phone.

All the above will be obstacles if I want to blog regularly however I'm going to give it a go. Again.

Update on myself. I am now 25 years old. I am currently working as a personal shopper for a department store in Liverpool. Previously I worked as a visual merchandiser. I am now keen to work on my fashion writing skills. This blog will be an outlet for my thoughts and a way to develop my writing style. I would like to build a portfolio of entries as evidence to present to newspapers, magazines and websites to achieve paid writing work .

Some entries will be article like, some will be street style spots. I plan to use a variety of writing styles and formats to demonstrate different skills and ideas.

Stay tuned.

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