Tuesday 27 November 2012

I know it's super late but..

Here are my Halloween costumes from this year.

Party no1: Louise's 26th birthday (Saturday before Halloween)

I decided on Wednesday Addams from The Addams Family after trailing through Google images. I fancied wearing a wig too (I'm blonde-ish) I had just returned a dress that would of been perfect for the Wednesday costume so had to go back for that. With a wig ordered & the dress bought, I experimented with make-up ideas deciding on pale foundation, black & white eyeliners (things I already had in my make-up bag).

On the night of the party my sister Emma helped plait the wig into two plaited bunches & pin it to my hair. I smudged black eyeliner under my eyes to emphasise the dark bags and paled my lips out with foundation. Finishing touches to the look were black opaque tights & shiny black patent brogues.

It was fun to dress up & I enjoyed the preparation of the costume. Originally I bought the dress for work uniform but found it was too short. It might be cute on a night out though with bare, tanned legs or floral fishnets?! We will see.

Party no2: Jess' 26th birthday
(Saturday after Halloween)

At the previous party I was the only person not to do a painted face! Although my Wednesday Addams costume was fab I felt the odd one out.

For Jess' party I decided on a skeleton. I bought black & white face paint & googled skeleton ideas. I was inspired by a girl's outfit I saw at the last party. White shirt, black blazer, black skinny trousers and to top it off, a black bow tie. Sexy look. I replaced the pants for black opaque tights & a black mesh tutu skirt I had made for a friend's hen night.

On the night of the party I was so excited to wear the outfit! I pulled my blonde-ish hair into a flicky ponytail so the face paint would be the main focus. It took a few costs to get the white as bright as I wanted and had a couple of false starts with the skeleton mouth but when I'd finished it looked great.

I was really pleases with the finished look but at the party would you know it, I was the only person with a painted face! Typical. I felt like I had a face mask on that was cracking & tight. Facial expressions were difficult! But to touch it felt normal.

Only after the party did I realise how similar the outfit & make-up was to Lady Gaga in the Born This Way video, a song I love.

Dressing up really was a lot of fun, maybe I'll do it again next year.

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