Thursday 22 May 2014

Who should I vote for?

Who should I vote for? 

Not who you're voting for. What affects you might not affect me in the same way.

I am 26 years old. I graduated with a 2.1. Due to the recession (the first of the 3 in recent years) I chose not to go straight to London and risk a struggle. I had been working all through Uni and in 3rd year when I should of been concentrating on my degree and dissertation I had 2 part time jobs to afford all the costs I had. So when I graduated I wanted a full time wage to myself for a while. I should of gone to London and joined the rat race anyway. I wanted to go back home for a year. Work and save for travelling. Then once I'd returned I was going to move to London with the aim of working in a fashion brand's head office. I instead enjoyed the full time wage and when the second recession hit, didn't think quitting a full time role was wise. As there are few fashion brand head offices in Liverpool/Manchester, I chose which brand I wanted a career with and worked on their shopfloor with the idea to once the recession ended use my contacts to move to their head office. 3 years+ passed and 3 recessions. I had the contacts, I enjoyed the creative role as a visual merchandiser I was in but progression was slow an competitive. I could of afforded to share a flat with a friend or boyfriend but nobody in my social groups felt any urgency to do that in our early 20s. I was still at home, earning a low wage and ready for something new. I saved up for a year. Applied for a position in London and didn't get it. I had been half heatedly applying for jobs since graduating. I quit my job and travelled Australia. My cv was strong so I wasn't too worried about getting work on my return. It wasn't a good time to be quitting a full time job that you enjoyed but it felt like now or never. 

I returned home from an adventure that gave me some independence to no money no job and still living at home at the age of 24.

I took a temp job while applying for jobs. Within 8 weeks of returning home I had secured a role I had wanted ever since Uni. A personal shopper for the best department store on the high street. I loved my role for the first 6 months. I was so happy. Then I realised I was 25 working part time on the shopfloor and living at home. What I was doing at 14-16. I am now 26 years old and even though I have taken a different, full time role which I don't enjoy I still am not earning enough to rent let alone buy a house. I am single. My friends and I don't want to flat share we are adults who want our own places. Some friends who are in relationships (teachers) have been able to get houses with their partners. I am not a teacher nor in a relationship. 

If I bought a car there would be no money left over to save. 

I in 5-10 years will be affected by a completely different bunch of issues. House costs, bills. Child care. 

I in 20-25 years my parents healthcare, my children's education and university bills. 

Pensions. Climate change.

Who should I vote for? This evening. Not who did what 15 years ago. Who did what 30 years ago. 

All suggestions and comments welcomed. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Minimalist existence

am concentrating on saving up this year. For the future. Sounds boring but I have had some amazing holidays, backpacking adventures and attended numerous concerts and theatre shows in my life so far and know 1 year without (as many!! Not completely, I'm only human) won't kill me. I have taken on a new role in work and am working more hours so pairing my new monthly wage and being more frugal with how I'm spending, I am seeing my savings mount up. Gradually. 

Decluttering my wardrobe (suitcase, numerous bags & drawers) of clothes and accessories has been an ongoing task for, let's just say, a while. I am no longer hoarding my pre-loved pieces and eBaying them, charity shopping or binning them. One or two items have filtered into my relatives wardrobes too. I want to be left with some favourite pieces, some classics & then buy a few new pieces each season. I want to be able to close my drawers without stuff trying to escape. I want to be able to part my items in my wardrobe easily without it being a workout.  

I've worked for fashion brands and boutiques for the last 10 years so have accumulated some amazing pieces. But it's time to part with some of them. Feel free to check out my eBay page kittylouiseswardobe for some pre-loved bargains.

Google images

I want a place of my own soon. I want to spread my belongings across a whole home not just my bedroom. When I do move out, I want to only take things that I really want with me. Rather than boxes of things that I plan to get rid of eventually. Do I really need to hold onto old birthday cards? Teddy bears? Diaries? School, college & Uni work? No I don't. But will I one day wish I had? It's not like clothes that can be replaced. 

I have so much of everything. I don't just have a few belts, a few scarves, a few bags - I have loads of each. I have loads of lovely versions of each too. Which makes it harder to part with any of them. I have got rid of so much and I still have SO much! 

Google images

I like order and organisation. I like everything to have a home and know where everything is exactly when I need it. I do not need a lot of choice.

I plan to personalise my first home but not have loads of "things". I like a picture or painting or two on a wall. I like a full and accessorised bookcase and shelves but I'm not an ornament and clutter sort of girl. I like a shabby chic look with feminine touches. A nice cushion, a throw and a rug but plain walls and blinds. I like painted wood in pastel shades with bright accents such as a lamp, photo frame or cushion.  

I think less choice and clutter is a more simple way. I think tidy but homely is a more relaxed environment to come home to. 

Google images

I want a clear mind when possible. I want to just "be" sometimes. I always have the TV on even if I'm surfing the web, blogging, cleaning. I rarely listen to the radio now Chris Moyles has "retired". Recently I've been wanting to quietly potter around with no tv on no radio on and just have my own thoughts. Quiet. Peaceful. I love to run a bubble bath and read in peace. I love to curl up on the couch and read then nap on my days off. Today I had a lovely walk in a tree lined route in a quiet area, I really noticed how calming it was. I feel relaxed. 

Google images

It is important to me to feel as little stress as I can. I need calmness and quietness. I crave no drama and noise. I'm neither naive nor boring although to you I may seem it. There are lots of books you can read around this subject of creating calmness and living a peaceful life. There are retreats you can go on, yoga classes you can take. This is how I feel I want my life to be. I will still indulge when I want to but I think a new more minimal, less materialistic and technology based life will be more suitable for me. 

I love watching the clouds. Taking a walk. Hearing the birds. Watching the sea waves. Thinking about nature. Watching wildlife programmes. Putting everything material into perspective. 

At the end of it all, we know ourselves best and why wouldn't we create the life we want to live?

Kitty x

Friday 16 May 2014

I love May!

I love spring! Especially when the sun is shining. 

I love May!
May is when I start to feel like summer is just around the corner. You know when you wake up earlier than your companions on holiday and you sit out on the balcony? The resort staff are setting the sun loungers out and the sun is just starting to warm up? That's how it feels all day on a sunny spring day here. That warming up feeling. A warm up to summer. Don't get me wrong I love a good old European beach holiday and wouldn't say no to a free one but that feeling here of summer's on its way, I love it. 

I exfoliate and moisturise more often for that little bit of pale, bare skin that I peaks out. I sit out in the sun when it's shining to absorb any Vitamin D that I can. I like to start sweeping bronzer across my cheeks, forehead and down my nose. I change my nail polish from pastel, spring shades to tropical pinks and oranges. I scatter bleached blonde highlights through my hair to give that beach babe sunkissed style. I know most girls tan up or sun bed their way throughout the year but I like my tan (to look) natural. I tan well abroad. This time last year I'd been away and had the base for the summer tan and didn't need to so anything more to it. I've done only a couple of sunbeds in the last 4 years and that was last year pre holiday to prepare my skin. If I can be bothered I will do a tan. I don't think I have in at least over a year but sometimes needs must. Waxing if you don't wax all year round you should start now. Smooth and hair free no later than the end of May bank holiday ladies. 

The jewelled sandals embellish my lightly tanned feet. Clothes wise, I wear more colour in one outfit than I have all year! I add my summer jewellery and bags to brighten up my monochrome work outfits. I love playsuits, patterned dresses, bright colour blocking and if you're bold enough those tropical print silky trousers with a t-shirt and denim jacket. I love my denim jacket. It's had it's first outing of the year this week! I've a coral blazer which I bought for holiday last spring and have worn a handful of times already this spring. I have my red Aztec print jacket again from last summer and am living in that again this year. Jacket wise I'm sorted. 

I eat more fruit definitely in these warmer months. I like to eat outside if possible. There's nothing nicer than breakfast outside in the sunshine. I eat less in the heat. In winter I want carbs and chocolate. I up my workouts in the gym. I go more often and vary the classes. I add a swim into my weekly workout too. The dog gets an extra walk off me too which he doesn't complain about. 

I hope the sunshine and blue sky is here to stay and we have a gorgeous summer on its way!


Saturday 3 May 2014

My latest shopping haul

New season, new hair, new job - all excuses to shop?! I think so too. 

I've bought quite a bit lately but feel I  can justify (almost) all of it. I'll go through my latest purchases for you, see if you agree. But don't tell me if you don't!

I went into town with all the intentions of doing a spring/summer Primark haul. There was one or two things that I could of bought but nothing I loved and absolutely had to have. Which is my shopping motto. Disappointing, I haven't been successful in Primark these last few years, maybe I'm over it..

Next stop was Marks and Spencer's. I know with here that I'll find something classic, good quality, affordable and in certain ranges, modern, on trend and simplistic. Stylish isn't a word I guess many people use when describing M&S but I'd rather it stayed that way. More finds for me, less chance everyone my age will be wearing it. It is one of my "go-to" shops along with Oasis and Warehouse.

First thing I spotted after I walked into the department store was a pair of light-mid wash ripped skinny jeans. Anyone who follows me on Twitter and Instagram @kittysowerby knows that I'm liking that look at the moment. All the celebs and bloggers that I follow are wearing them. I never would of thought to get a pair, I wasn't looking for a pair but these caught my eye. They fit like a glove!

 Marks and Spencer £39.50

Some shopping days I pick up items to update what I already have. Rarely do I buy an "outfit". This Sunday shopping experience I bought an outfit. 

To go with the jeans there was a cream T-shirt with tiny flecks of neon colour running through the fabric. Easy to through on and looked great with the style of jeans.

Marks and Spencer £12.50

When I went to the fitting room to try these on there was a crate of jewellery ready to go out on display and a ring that was so sparkly I couldn't take my eyes off it. It's so pretty. I like costume statement jewellery some days, other days I like delicate traditional pieces. This I couldn't leave behind. 

Marks and Spencer £15

I did try some gorgeous, coloured thread knitwear to wear with this outfit but they all made me feel too busty and I decided against them. The returns policy and refund process is a little off putting to me in M&S. 

I headed upstairs to continue the hunt for the perfect spring wool coat. I found one. Couldn't believe it, the search was over! I have been struggling with coat options the last few months as I want to be warm but I want to look appropriate for spring too. I decided a coat in a light spring shade was the way to go, accessorised with a printed scarf and a great bag. Have hunted high and low and until now been unsuccessful.  This coat is a light grey, wool and collarless. It's a great length. If it had been in an aqua, baby blue, light coral I would of been dancing around the shop but this colour is fine. It looks expensive but was just £55. I imagine I've worn it 20 times already. It's just the right weight for spring. In summer I like to wear my denim jacket or my coral blazer. My last M&S wool coat has been great so I know it's money well spent. 

Marks and Spencer £55

John Lewis have regular offers on as they match their competitors and during one price match event I snapped up two great Warehouse pieces.

I like bags and have a lot of them. I am working through bit by bit and whittling down my collection so do keep an eye on my eBay page kittylouiseswardobe for those. If I go abroad I buy a new beach/carry on bag. This year I decided on a bag for work instead. I chose a tan bag with gold detailing. It doesn't look or feel particularly expensive (and it wasn't) but it's a useful size for my everyday things. 

Warehouse £22 (price with double discount)

I picked up a cute 60s style mini skirt in bright orange. It's a fun fabric and shape.

Warehouse £28 (price with double discount)

I'd wear it on a night out with a simple tee and a statement necklace and my Topshop black thick strap shoes with a block heel similar to these.

Topshop £65

Some of the John Lewis jewellery is reduced and I've had my eye on this necklace for a while I think the colours are gorgeous and it's so summery. 

John Lewis £7 (mid-season sale price)

These Warehouse earrings were £5 and will go great with this necklace. I love stud earrings and these triangle ones are simple but stylishly noticeable. They add a little modern edge to an outfit. 

Warehouse £5

I also needed to replace my mini makeup bag that I take to work with me. It's the cream and gold studded one and was getting grubby. I got this one in John Lewis. It is part of the commemorative range to celebrate the 150 year anniversary. 

John Lewis £11

There are commemorative ranges in women's, men's, children's, electrical (including a green Henry Hoover called John!) home and garden. I bought a heart necklace and coordinating stud earrings. 

John Lewis necklace £10 and earrings £8

Have fun shopping this weekend! X