Monday 24 February 2014

Tips for being a top commuter.

1. Buy your ticket in advance whether it be the night before or a renewable pass. Or prepare for a queue to buy each morning. Leave early, be patient. Be pleasant. Take responsibility for your lateness, laziness if hitting that snooze button. 

2. Carry pocket tissues for yourself and your fellow commuters if you irritate easily by sniffling. 

3. If you have layered up for the walk to the station strip off a few layers as soon as you get on the train otherwise you'll overheat, get stressed and irritable (maybe a bit smelly too).

4. If you've paid for 1 ticket you've paid for 1 seat or space so don't spread yourself out over a second or third - common sense and decency. Also tuck your feet under your seat so there's room in front of you for a bag or two.

5. Have your ticket handy for inspection so not searching for ages. 

6. If like me you dread seeing anyone you know in the morning because still waking up and can't be arsed with a conversation for all the carriage to hear take headphones and or a book. The Metros are decent size papers to hide behind. 

7. If you have to stand, lean against the end of a seat not another passenger. Plant your feet firmly to avoid toppling over. Simple.

8. When waiting for your train home after a long or tiring day wait by the sign 3 carriage stop or 6 carriage stop. Take not how many carriages the train has. Don't tut if you wait in between the signs and the doors aren't near you. It's your own fault! 

9. I stand up all day and rarely stand still so I'm getting a seat to and from work. If you want one too get on at central not moorfields as there's nobody on the train coming into central and loads on the one coming into moorfields. How have people not figured this out?! 

10. On the way to work listen to music to wake yourself up and get you motivated for the big sell. Take earphones out and if you can still tell what song it is turn it down a bit kids. On the way home read a book to wind down and chill you out after a hardworking day. 

Spread the word. 

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